View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
APRIL 2024 Newsletter

From the Board of Trustees

Fellow Unitarian Universalists,



I would like to thank all of you who participated in answering the two questions asked during the Service on April 14th and for respectfully listening to ideas you may or may not agree with. Since then, I have received several comments on the service and input to the second question regarding the desired traits of a new minister. The resultant list will serve as a guide for the search committee.

Feedback on the service ranged from a good opportunity to be heard to a waste of time. I hope the board and other members of the congregation can reinforce the sentiment about being heard. When I think of the waste of time issue, I understand that most of that comes from the reality of our present financial situation. They heard the community saying, we do not want to entertain cutting anything in the next budget.


Our main form of revenue has been the generous pledges we receive from you. Changing demographics have resulted in a shift of about a 10-15 % reduction in pledges. How do we make up that loss? The only way to make up that shortage is through a combination of fundraising activities and outreach to increase the size of the community.


So far, the best outreach program we have happens to be our RE program. The RE Program has grown due to the efforts of our RE director and supporting volunteers. Through their efforts, we have attracted families. Lynn Sodora has developed a phenomenal program. People see that and want to be part of it.


Our best fundraising activity that reaches outside the UUCV community seems to be the yard sales. Other fundraising activities may raise almost as much. Many of the other activities like the silent and in person auctions raise funds from within the community. We will need to explore more activities which reach beyond our UUCV community. Many have expressed ideas. In the future, we will need to turn ideas into action.


We do know based on the cottage meetings and the discussion last week at the service that many have very different views of how we should conduct a service. Many want to divorce our community from our Christian roots completely. Some may want less dramatic changes. Some do not want any changes. Some are happy being lay led. While others feel the lay led effort has been very positive but, it is time to move to a minister led congregation as soon as possible. I cannot answer for the entire board on how much change we are willing to entertain. Many of us do feel we should not make significant changes without the involvement of a minister. We will continue the practice of announcing the service topic and style. Members and friends of UUCV are encouraged to participate in the life of the congregation by attending all types of services but can make personal choices based on the information provided about each Sunday.


In summary, I ask for your patience and understanding as the board works through the issues mentioned above. We will keep you informed on the search process and the budget development process as well. There will be an opportunity to vote on the budget once the finance committee and the board are ready to present it to you.

Jim Burton

UUCV Board President

Focus on Finances


As I write this on April 21 to meet the newsletter submission deadline of tomorrow morning, we do not yet have final figures on the Annual Budget Drive. Several more pledges came in today, and there are plans to contact people this coming week who we believe will support UUCV but have not yet pledged.


Between now and mid May the Finance Committee and Board of Trustees will be working on crafting the budget for the July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 fiscal year. We are committed to use your contributions and all other sources of income wisely, frugally, and what we hope will be in the best interest of the UUCV community. Once a final budget is adopted, it will be made available to the congregation in advance of the Annual Meeting after the worship service on Sunday, June 9. At that time the budget will be presented, discussed, and voted on.


Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge of financial support and/or a pledge of volunteer support for UUCV during this Annual Budget Drive. All of our efforts come together to create and sustain our church community.


As a reminder, I encourage all of you to check the status of your pledge for the current fiscal year which ends on June 30, 2024. We have two and a half months left in this fiscal year and your contributions toward your current pledge are important. We understand that circumstances can change and you may not be able honor your current pledge, but we would appreciate being notified of the change. Thank you.


Thank you,

Wendy Gebb

UUCV Treasurer


UUCV DELEGATES NEEDED - 1 spot still available
General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles.
This year GA is entirely online from Thursday, June 20 through Sunday, June 23, 2024.  UUCV is entitled to have 3 delegates represent our congregation at GA for voting on important UUA issues.  Of particular interest this year is the final vote on the proposed amendments to the UUA Bylaws Article II which includes the new language for our UU Shared Values. 
If you are interested in representing UUCV as a delegate to GA, or would like more details about what's involved, please contact our Board President Jim Burton at  For more information about GA 2024, go to
Worship this Month
The Worship theme for

May 5 – "The Great We Are" We are living in a world brimming with diversity. A kalediscope of cultures, religions, ethnicities, and viewpoints swirl around us. This rich tapestry of human experience, though, can sometimes feel like a jumble of clashing patterns. That's where Pluralism steps in.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service.


May 12 – "Kintsugi Life The pressure to be perfect is all around us. When we expect how we look and what we do to be instagram-perfect , we set ourselves up to be highly critical of ourselves when our efforts turn out more like a Pinterest Fail . Why is it so hard to sit with and embrace our imperfections? Why does the idea of letting "good enough" be good enough make us so itchy? Join us for this decidedly non-traditional time of reflection and sharing, as we consider the beauty of our imperfect lives.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Mary Reichart

May 19- "RE Sunday"  Join us this Sunday for a very special all-ages worship service celebrating UUCV's RE Program. This day brings our 2023-24 RE classes to a close. We will hear from the children and youth, as well as some of their leaders, as to what they accomplished this year. We also honor our many dedicated RE volunteers. Be sure to look for news about our Summer Sundays RE activities. Lynn Sodora leads the service with  our teens and RE folks as worship associates.


May 26 "The House the Love Built"  Sticks and stones may break and go, but love will live forever. Join us as we celebrate the end of our capital campaign, and more importantly this house that love built. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Paula Terry.



Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

This n That...
UUCV Book Group

May 19 – Counting Lost Stars by Kim Van Alkemade (meeting on 3rd Sunday due to Memorial Day)


New York Times bestselling author of Orphan #8, Kim van Alkemade returns with a gripping and poignant historical saga in which an unmarried college student who's given up her baby for adoption helps a Dutch Holocaust survivor search for his lost mother. The book alternates between the stories of characters living in two eras - 1960, New York City and 1941, The Hague.


As a special treat the author, who was a founding member of UUCV, will be joining us for the second half of the discussion!


Feel free to zoom in and listen even if you haven’t read the book yet. If you have any questions, , please contact Bev Motich

The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel
Red Cross Blood Drive Coming to UUCV
May 10 the Red Cross will set up in our Social Hall for their Blood Drive.
Visit their website and sign up for a time to donate at UUCV on Friday, May 10




Coming Up in May:

Mark your calendars:
  • Adult Religious Education  Sunday, May 5 at 9:00 am in the Board Room.  
  • Music Luncheon and Sing Along Sunday, May 5 at noon starting in the dining room.  
  • Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, May 10 noon to 5:00 PM in the Social Hall
  • Adult Religious Education  Sunday, May 19 at 9:00 am in the Board Room 
  • Trauma in the Pews Sunday, May 19 at 7:00 in the Yuuth Room.  
  • Capital Campaign Project Closure Service and Social Hour  Sunday, May 26
  • UUCV Book Group, Sunday, May 26 at 6:30pm on Zoom  
  • Strawberry Booth Prep Friday, May 31 in the Dining Room 
Grocery cards are the easiest way for UUCV to earn a Profit Purchase Grocery Cards to buy what you need for home, your event, or donate to an organization in our area in need: Project Share, CARES, Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) and so many more. Pam can provide contact information for you to these organizations Let's take this opportunity  to rededicate ourselves to shopping with grocery cards. Remember, 2 grocery cards each per month = $20,000+ for UUCV. 
Cards can be purchased for Giant, Weis and Karns.and used for items such as food, gas and alcoholic beverages.  Stop by the grocery card table for purchases before and after service on Sundays or contact Pam if you would like cards mailed to you.
Let's make this the year we reach our $20,000 goal!
Social Justice at UUCV
May Social Justice Opportunities
Programs under the umbrella of the Social Justice Committee include the monthly CARES dinner, Change for the World (CFTW), the Mozambique Bursary project and the UUCV Antiracism Initiative. Another component this year has been assisting an Afghan family as they transition to America from war-torn Afghanistan. Other events we regularly participate in include Project Share’s Farm Stand, the annual Pride Festival in Harrisburg, National Public Lands Day, and United Way’s One Day of Caring. We anchor our efforts around UUCV’s mission to transform lives and care for the world. Thank you to all who serve on the committee and for outside support we receive from many others in the congregation.
The next Social Justice meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday, May 15 on ZOOM   
All are welcome to join our meetings. 
Change for the World -
2nd Quarter - April thru June
Speranza Animal Rescue is a non-profit,100% volunteer-run rescue rehabilitation center and sanctuary committed to saving the most abused and neglected animals, and finding loving homes for them when possible.
Located on a 17.5 acre farm in Mechanicsburg, the Sanctuary is an all-breed rescue focusing on dogs (especially pit bulls) cats, farm animals destined for slaughter, or any animal in dire need. 
Janine Guido and her sister, both animal lovers, started the non-profit in 2012. You can find more info and see pictures of the animals and stats of how many they have helped at:
UUJusticePA Activities
  • Postcarding - See Cheryl Parsons or check the Social Justice Table in the Social Hall for the issue of the month.  Postcards, postage, information on the current issue, and suggested message and recipients will be provided.  Get active in the democratic process! The April 28th issue is Gun Control legislation that will be the focus of a rally and advocacy day on May 7th at the Capitol in partnership with CeaseFirePA.
  • May 8th Advocacy Day - Noon Rally at the Capitol with Education Voters of PA and for those willing visit your legislator in a group to advocate for Gov. Shapiro's budget that takes a much-needed step to restore adequate funding to public schools in the Commonwealth.
  • UUtheVote will again be engaged in letter-writing to get out the vote in November.  More information will be forthcoming.  Letters will be already printed with space for the three or four sentences that you will add.  We will begin writing over the summer and mail letters in early October. Let Cheryl Parsons know of your interest or sign up at the Social Justice Table.
Moving Circles Friendship
DinnerNetwork with community members of all races to lower the barriers of the racial divide.  Bring a dish to share to this community potluck dinner and guided conversation from 6:00 - 8:30 on Tuesday, May 7th at the First United Church of Christ on N. Pitt St. in Carlisle.  Be part of the change we hope to see and live into our 8th Principle!

Learn how easy it is to use RaiseRight to build UUCV's Fund for a Commercial Dishwasher.  


UUCV is partnering with RaiseRight for Gift card fundraising, the #1 fundraiser for nonprofit organizations across the U.S. for more than 25 years.  Earn simply by buying gift cards to use for everyday purchases, instead of cash or credit cards.

With RaiseRight, nonprofits and other community-based organizations earn money simply by shopping for their favorite brands—turning daily or weekly purchases into the opportunities that matter for their favorite organizations. 


How to Get Started:

Visit to Sign Up from your computer or access the QR Code Below.


Set up your banking or credit card preference.


You can then shop anytime by visiting and see the daily bonuses and specials which will earn more money for UUCV.  Check the % for each card to see what your donation will be to UUCV….with a very minimal fee to you. 


How to Pay:

When you are done selecting your cards, check out at your shopping cart.  You can pay by your own Credit Card (getting points on your card) or LINK to your bank account


How you Receive your Cards:

  • You can choose ecards (which will show up in your wallet on your APP or in your wallet on the main website http://www.raiseright/shop
  • You can print a copy of your purchase to act as a gift card when you shop
  • DO NOT select your card to be sent to the Coordinator….any cards sent to the coordinator will be cancelled and your sale will be VOID


Contact Pam if you need help in getting set up or if you have questions about this program.

Religious Education

Greetings all! 


In the month of May, we bring our regular church-year RE programming to a close with our All-Ages RE Sunday Service on May 19th.  Be sure to attend this very special service in which we hear from some of our children and youth, and consider reflections from an RE Committee Member, teacher and parent.  We also offer thanks to all of our RE volunteers who shared their time, talents and treasure with us this year.  Stay tuned for more information about our RE Summer Schedule.  May we continue to connect with one another in fun and loving ways. 

Below is our Faith Development schedule for our children and youth:
May:  Sunday, May 5:    Regular RE Classes
Sunday, May 12:   Regular RE Classes
Sunday, May 19:   RE Sunday - Worship Service for All Ages:  Join us for this family-focused service for all ages celebrating RE Sunday!  This service marks the end of our 2023-24 RE year.  We will also acknowledge with gratitude all of the RE volunteers who are the heart of our RE program.  Busy bags and activity pages are available on the racks in the Annex.  Nursery care (for ages 0-4) will be available during the service
Sunday, May 26:   RE All-Ages Activity ("Triple A"):  This Sunday, after the Time for All Ages, the children and youth will meet together in the Dining Hall for an all-ages activity celebrating the upcoming LGBTQ+ Pride Month.  

NURSERY CARE is available every Sunday from 10:15 - 11:45 am for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

Our Sunday Morning Worship Services being at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary.  On "Regular RE" days, the children and youth go downstairs to their RE classrooms after the Time for All Ages.  Classes end at 11:45 am.

**Please sign out children in Grades 5 and under from their classrooms by 11:45.** This gives parents the opportunity to socialize before pickup, while respecting the Volunteer Teachers' time as well.   
Thank you to all our April volunteers!  Ryanne Mack, Julie Cullings, Susan Green, Susan Rimby, Rebecca Fratantuono, Kim Stone, Laura Soper, Ben Ramirez, Staci Kendall, Melissa Mattson, Brent Dickerson and Steve Holsinger.  Thank you so much for your time and energy!    Members of the Congregation are encouraged to volunteer with the Children's RE Program! Please email Lynn Sodora DLFD at to check in about submitting clearances. 

May we continue to learn and grow together!
In faith and service,
Adult RE Discussion Group - Winter/Spring 2024

These classes will be held on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:00 am in the Board Room or join via Zoom at (572 887 2212).


DATE CHANGE:  May 12: Amend - US Constitution Video Series (Video + Discussion)

We will view then discuss another installment of this informative and highly engaging video series. Discussion leader: Melissa Mattson


May 19: Humanism

One of the six sources of our living tradition is Humanism. In this class we will explore and discuss the history and tenets of Humanism and also consider the historical relationship between Humanism and Unitarian Universalism. Discussion leader: Keith Bittinger.

Singers and Instrumentalists ...take Note!
Help us envision a process for reviving our music program,  Your presence is needed at the May 5th Getting to Know You Gathering for an hour after church service in the sanctuary. We'll do some singing to help Carole learn our favorite hymns; we'll help Carole get to know us, our abilities, experience, and hopes for the future through introductions, conversations, and a survey. Carole will help us get to know her as well.  This will not be a high pressure event; the information gained will help Carole and the Music Committee develop plans for the future. No definite commitments will be requested at this time.  If you enjoy singing and/or playing an instrument we hope you'll participate; the more, the merrier!
You can reach Carole at
Sign up for iGive and earn money for UUCV

1900 Stores want to help:

On average 3% Stores pay for it all. Never pay more, and sometimes less with coupons and deals.

From pet rescues to 3rd grade classrooms, and on to fighting some of the most terrible diseases, iGive has been helping ordinary people make their shopping count for more.

Register now and list Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley as your charity 


iGive automatically helps your favorite cause, every time you shop.

They donate an extra $5 bonus to your cause when you make your first

Choose or list your cause & they'll earn money for free!

UUCV Announcements
Save the Date..Sunday, June 6
On June 9th, after the service, UUCV will conduct its Annual Meeting.  This is the single most important meeting of the year.  
During out time together, new board members will be presented and voted on.  Proposed changes to by-laws will be explained and voted on as well.  If the search process for our new minister has not been finalized with the congregation, it will be during the Annual Meeting.  This event is critical to the life of our UUCV.  As we get closer to the event, we will provide an agenda.  Please plan on attending. 
Hello amazing UUCVers!!!
Foundry Day is June 1st and we will need volunteers.  We will need choppers, bakers, pick up and delivery, as well as folks to set up, take down and work the booth on June 1st. 
This is a big fundraiser and great outreach for UUCV as well as a lot of fun in general.  
If you have questions please email/call Brent Dickerson,  (828) 335-6668.  Please take time to look how you could help by stopping by the volunteer table or emailing to sign up.
Summer Pot-Luck Brunches
A new adventure awaits us as we join together for brunch worship in our dining room on the second Sunday of June, July, and August. We will engage together in non-traditional, communal activities while enjoying a lovely pot-luck brunch.
For each of the brunch services, pancakes will be provided by the church. Bring your favorite brunch dish to share, and be ready to engage with each other in conversation and activities around the tables as we worship together in a very different way. 
UUCV Volunteers Highlighted this Month
in Project Share Newsletter
Trauma in the Pews: Deconstructing Toxic Belief Systems and Religious Abuse
The rise of Evangelical Fundamentalism across America over the course of the last 50 years has really brought to light the toxic belief structures and abusive practices of many denominations and religions.
When religious zeal is taken to the extreme, trauma can and does occur, affecting us to the core of our being. Join Rev. Chris on the third Sunday of the month at 7 PM in the Youuth room for a support and study group as we begin to work through the damage done in the name of religion, find our own voices, and discover what we truly believe, along with what we don't -- and embrace the freedom that comes with deconstruction and healing. This course will run for the entirety of 2024. Please let Pam know if you're interested. THIS GROUP IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. If you know someone who could benefit from this type of group, please pass along the information and Rev. Chris's email --
UUCV Book Group Selections for 2024
The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel 

UUCV Book Group 2024 Schedule (with Discussion Leaders)


May 19 – Counting Lost Stars by Kim Van Alkemade (Bev Motich)

New York Times bestselling author of Orphan #8, Kim van Alkemade returns with a gripping and poignant historical saga in which an unmarried college student who's given up her baby for adoption helps a Dutch Holocaust survivor search for his lost mother. The book alternates between the stories of characters living in two eras -  1960, New York City and 1941, The Hague.  As a special treat the author, who was a founding member of UUCV, will be joining us for the second half of the discussion!


June 23 – Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus (Susan Rimby)

Lessons in Chemistry tells the story of a woman in a non-traditional profession, and all the discrimination she incurs during the late 1950s and early 1960s as she struggles to define her own life.  At the end, there's hope and healing, and the women and their male supporters win the day. If you ever wondered why second-wave feminists were angry in the 1960s and '70s, reading this book will show you why.


July 28 – Oryx and Crate by Margaret Atwood (Bev Ayers-Nachamkin)

Snowman, known as Jimmy before mankind was overwhelmed by a plague, is struggling to survive in a world where he may be the last human, and mourning the loss of his best friend, Crake, and the beautiful and elusive Oryx whom they both loved. In search of answers, Snowman embarks on a journey with the help of the green-eyed Children of Crake through the lush wilderness that was so recently a great city, until powerful corporations took mankind on an uncontrolled genetic engineering ride. Margaret Atwood projects us into a near future that is both all too familiar and beyond our imagining.


August 25 – Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See (Susan Rimby)

Lady Tan's Circle of Women is based on a real historical character in the Ming dynasty, a woman who gains renown as a healer of women.  Over her lifetime, she gains about as much power as a woman in that culture can have.  Along the way, she solves a murder and develops a life-long friendship with a woman of a lower class.


September 22 – The Age of AI - And Our Human Future by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher (Keith Bittinger)

Summary: In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming human society—and what this technology means for us all.

Paperback: 288 pages, 7 chapters

Audio Book: 7 hrs 13 mins


October 27 – Women Talking by Miriam Toews (John Katz)

In an isolated Mennonite colony, women, children, and even infants have  endured rape, assault, and other brutalities with terrifying regularity. The book opens when the women of two families meet to discuss their options--which are rather limited, given how they have been kept illiterate and utterly ignorant of the outside world. This book is at once appalling, fascinating, and thrillingly suspenseful.


November 24 – 2025 reading selections

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