View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
September 2021 Newsletter

Minister Musings -



In early August, I chose worship themes for August and September. The August theme was “Transitions.” September's theme would be “Returning.” Both themes seemed obvious and appropriate. We would celebrate the return to a newly remodeled UUCV building. 

We would rejoice in the return to in-person worship services. It would be a celebration of returning.


Now, in late August, we are faced with a different situation entirely. Or, perhaps more appropriately, not a different situation, but a return to the same crisis we've been dealing with for more than a year now. The delta variant of the COVID virus has put most plans to return to normal on hold. This variant is much more infectious than the original version. Those infected by it show a much greater amount of the virus in their system. And worst of all, where COVID seemed extremely unlikely to infect our young ones, this variant is a serious threat to our youth. The vaccinations are effective-- but more “breakthrough” infections are occurring than expected due to the nature of the delta variant. This variant combined with our poor vaccination level (currently only ~54% of the Cumberland county population has been fully vaccinated) has resulted in a deadly surge in the pandemic across our country and around the world.


The Safe Congregation Team created an excellent plan for how UUCV could safely return to in-person activities.  With new information based on the delta variant, they recommended changes to that plan-- which the Board unanimously approved. The plan is based on recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and recommendations from our Unitarian Universalist Association. The plan includes different levels of precautions based on the level of transmission risk as determined by the CDC Currently, our area is listed as High Risk (Red). While the transmission risk is High (Red) or Moderate (Orange), we can not safely attend worship services in the sanctuary. As such, we have decided it is not feasible to hold our Ingathering worship service in the sanctuary on September 12th. Instead, we will be holding the service at the Cumberland drive-in. I hope you will join us in celebrating the new church year with this special service. Future services will continue to be streamed via Zoom until it is deemed to safe to return to our sanctuary for worship. We are also asking people to wear their masks while inside the UUCV building or while attending UUCV events outside.


This is not what any of us wanted. And for some, this decision is especially demoralizing. Many of the local churches have gone back to in-person worship services. There are even some (a small number) Unitarian Universalist congregations that have chosen to hold in-person worship service. It is fair to ask, “Why are we being so cautious?” We have made this decision, collectively, because it is directly in-line with our Unitarian Universalist principles. We believe in the value of science. We believe in the sanctity of life. We believe all people, regardless of race, class, age, gender or medical status, deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and equity. Right now, those who can not be vaccinated are at great risk. This includes all of our children and youth under the age of 12. Until vaccinations are available for everyone, we can not, we will not, put others at risk. Back in March, when we were told those over 60 were at risk from this virus, we promptly shut down our churches and congregations. Now, it is the children and youth who are in danger. Our response will be the same. We will choose safety and distance now so we can ALL come back together later.


We can do this. We have been doing this. We will continue to do this. Just as our religious forebears did a hundred years ago. They too faced the same dilemma. Open or close? Safety or Community? Faith or Science? During the flu pandemic in the early 1900's, our Unitarian churches closed immediately. Many even converted into medical wards to help alleviate the strain on the hospitals. And after a year, the local churches demanded to be allowed to go back to worshipping in person. Business demanded an end to the safety restrictions. Many of our Unitarian congregations were accused of being “faithless” for deciding to follow the science of the time. And once the businesses, churches, and schools did re-open, the country experienced a wave of the pandemic that killed twice as many as the original wave did. Our Unitarian congregations were right then. I believe we are right now.


It is a false choice we are being offered. The building may be closed, but our hearts and our worship services are still open. We can create and maintain community while remaining and promoting safety. And we have NEVER seen Faith and Science as opposed. We remain true to our beliefs and our principles. We are returning, once again, to our core beliefs, values, and principles.


We will make it through this, my friends. We will do so together. All of us.


Cooperatively, with Love and Gratitude,


Rev. Craig

Worship this Month
September Worship
September 5 - "But It's Not FAIR!  Children want things to be fair. As adults, we try to strive for justice and equity, so why do we sometimes still stamp our feet when things don't feel 'fair'?  Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.  
September 12 - "Welcome" All water was once a part of the ocean. All water returns to the ocean. We are all a part of this cycle of expanding and returning. As we return together let us all be Welcome!  Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associate Julie Ham.  This service will be held at the Cumberland Drive-In 3290 Ritner Hwy, Newville beginning at 10:30 am.  See additional details below.
September 19 - "Weaving the Golden Thread"  There are truths and there are Truths. Join Julie Ham and Chris Bilger as they explore the golden threads of Truth that are woven across traditions and through our own lives. Michele Burton serves as worship associate for this service.
September 26 - "Best Friends" It's said that humans and dogs are the best of friends. It wasn't always that way, of course. Such relationships take time and intention. Service animals, therapy animals, working dogs and more...Join us in exploring and celebrating these special relationships. Rev. Craig Schwalenberg preaches with worship associates Chris Kapp and Dan Cozort.

NOTE: NEW ZOOM channel and Meeting ID Join us for worship on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685
Drive-In Worship Service
Drive-In Worship Service - Sunday, September 12
Sadly our plan to be back in our Sanctuary for the start of the Church Year is on hold due to the rise of the Delta Virus cases, and the guidelines put out by the CDC and the UUA.
BUT...we can meet outside for our ingathering and backpack blessing service. 
Bring your chair, mask and a sample of your water (or virtual water) and join us for this special service.  There will be a container where you enter the drive-in for you to pour your water into.  The container will then be brought down to the worship area to incorporate into the service.
We will also have our traditional backpack blessing during this service.  You will recieve a token following the service as you leave.
Hope to see you all there!!!
This n That...
UUCV Book Group
"The UUCV Book Discussion group meets via Zoom on the 4th Sunday of each month at 6:30 pm. Dates and titles can be found on our website: Please join us for a lively discussion, newcomers are always welcome!
The selection for September 26th is "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi Coates.  
Please email Pam at UUCV ( or the Book Discussion coordinator, Riley Johnson ( if you have any questions.


UUCV Grocery Cards for Sale

We are still available for you to purchase grocery card sales for Weis, Karns and Giant...and remember you can use your Giant card for gas also.

Send an email to Pam with your order and the cards will be mailed to your home.  You can pay by sending a check to  UUCV, PO Box 207, Boiling Springs, PA  17007 or you can pay by credit card directly to  Pam...indicate in your email if you want to pay by credit card and Pam will arrange the payment with you. 
Thanks for continuing to support UUCV.




Spirit surrounded by Love


Spirit would like to thank the UUCV congregation for the amazing bag of goodies, treats and dog bed. 


Spirit is a retired therapy  dog and will be spending a lot of time at UUCV with Rev. Craig.


Spirit has met some of you and is anxious to meet everyone as soon as we get back in our beloved building.



RE News


NEW! UUCV Children and Youth Directory


Want an easy way to connect with other UUCV parents? We are creating a separate directory for families with children and youth to connect with each other! The only required information is your child's name and the name of one or more parent/caregiver - all other fields are optional. Please fill out one form per child. See below for an example listing.

This information will not be posted on the UUCV website or Facebook without permission. We will email a PDF of all entries to UUCV members and attendees once a year, and print hard copies for new families and RE volunteers to get to know our kids.


CLICK HERE to submit your Directory entries!


If you have any questions or concerns, please email Emily Crutcher:

UUCV Auction

UUCV Auction News


Greetings from the UUCV newsroom.  The latest news from the auction committee is that there will be an auction this year.
Sources tell us though, that it will be a split auction and that part one will take place in November and be online for items only.  Then a second live part will be in the spring of 2022.
It has been rumored that it will be something never imagined or done before in the congregation’s history.
So far the auction committee is remaining mum on when that will be or what the theme will be. What we do know is that something rather unusual is happening with the online auction that is quite unprecedented. The committee is keeping mum on that as well.
When asked for more details, Chairperson Cathy Dewalt refused to comment.
That’s it from this UUCV news reporter for now. We will have more as this story develops.
Social Justice at UUCV
September Social Justice Opportunities


Change For The World - July throughSeptember



RBH repairs older donated bicycles, making them safe to ride, and gives them away to lower income kids and adults. The kids get healthful recreation; oftentimes the bikes enable the adults to commute to their jobs. It is a 501(c)3 with no paid staff. Volunteers teach bike repair; in fact, learning safety and basic maintenance is frequently a prerequisite to receiving a free bike.  Volunteers also keep all functioning and organized, do the grant writing, provide pro bono legal services, track data, and maintain the space. Our money will help Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg buy tools and replacement parts. In 2019 a new trailer was purchased -- to be their bike shop on wheels which RBH takes to community events to reach people where they (and their bikes) are. Even with Covid in 2020 their volunteers put in over 3,500 hours repairing over 1,300 bikes; in 2019 it was over 7,000 volunteer hours. Be inspired at


Recycle Bicycle promotes the inherent worth and dignity of every person -- including economically disadvantaged children and adults; justice, equity and compassion in human relations -- kids should be able to have a bike of their own; adults without cars should be able to get to and from their workplace; and respect for the interdependent web of all existence -- plus it promotes healthy exercise and socialization -- in the out-of-doors.

Anti-Racism Initiative
What can UUCV do to break down racial barriers in our community?  What actions are we interested in pursuing as a congregation?  Join us for a brainstorming session with Rev. Craig on Sunday, September 19th at 1:30pm on the church Zoom channel.  We can say that we prioritize worth and dignity for all in our interconnected web.  Now we need to assess what we are willing to do about it.  
Many perspectives from different locales in our region are valuable as we prioritize and envision a path forward.  At this meeting we will also learn about and initiate discussion about the UUA's proposed Eighth Principle that covenants to dismantle racism and build a more inclusive Beloved Community.  Your voice matters as we contemplate reaching out to practice our mission of transforming lives and caring for the world.  Hope to see you there!
A huge "Thank You" to all who continue to contribute and allow us to provide these meals.   Email Pam if you are able to donate.
The CARES Dinner for September will be an Italian Dinner.
The date is Sunday, September 19.
Main Dishes Needed : Lasagna, Veggie Lasagna & Baked Ziti
Salads:  Tossed, Vegetable Salad, or Cole Slaw (3 needed)
Breads: 5 Loaves of sliced Italian Bread
Desserts: 6 Dozen of Cookies
Drinks: Iced Tea (2 Gallons)
Drop your items off at the UUCV Parking Lot between 3:00 - 3:30 on Sunday, September 19 .  If you need someone to pick up your item, or if you have any questions, please email Carol Riesmeyer  or call 724/822-6423. 
If you mark your food containers with your name, Dee Lauderbaugh will pick up your containers and take them to her house for you to pick up at your convenience.
A huge thank you to all who make the effort to contribute food!
Important UUCV Info
Mini Yard Sale Planned for Saturday, September 18
Thanks to so many of you our yard sale in August was a HUGE success making over $2,000.00.  We still have enough items leftover that we plan to hold a smaller scale yard sale on Saturday, September 18 from 8 am - 1 pm.  
If you missed dropping off your treasures for the first sale, we will take new items.  Please make sure they are CLEAN and in good condition. NO clothes or shoes and no electronics please.  Please have your items at the church by Tuesday, September 14.  This mini sale will be a strictly "by donation" and nothing will be priced.
Again...a big thanks to all who helped set-up, tear-down, worked the sale, advertised and of course brought in the goods for us to sell.  
National Public Lands Day

National Public Lands Day is the nation's largest single-day volunteer event for public lands. Established in 1994 and held annually on the fourth Saturday in September, this celebration brings out thousands of volunteers to help restore and improve public lands around the country.

This year UUCV volunteers have the opportunity to help out one of our local  parks, Pine Grove State Park, in Cooke Township.

Possible activities may include invasive removal, tree plantings and light trail maintenance (mulching, erosion control, trip hazard removal). There also may be a painting project.

More information will be forthcoming.

Dorothy (Dee) Lauderbaugh
Save the Date - Sunday, November 7
Come to worship on Sunday, November 7, 2021 for a UUCV Mozambique Bursary Committee-inspired church service. Learn how the contributions of UUCV members and friends help girls in one of the world’s poorest nations achieve their dreams of education.
Girls at the Namorroi Boarding Center with hygiene supplies provided by the UUCV Bursary Committee.
UUCV Announcements
ZOOM Worship

Most of our activities will be held in our main Zoom channel, which is accessible in any of the following ways:

  • point your browser to , OR
  • “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID550 751 6685

If you don’t already have Zoom installed on your computer, clicking any Zoom link will prompt you to begin the installation.  There is no charge to you for the software or its use.

UUCV Fundraising Opportunities

Do you shop on Amazon?  Go instead to 

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support UUCV every time you shop, at no cost to you.  Select Unitarian Universalist of Cumberland Valley as your charitable organization and everytime you make a purchase Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to UUCV.  Same great producs, same prices as Amazon, but makes money for UUCV.
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