View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
January 2021 Newsletter

From the Minister...
i am running into a new year

and the old years blow back
like a wind
that i catch in my hair
like strong fingers like
all my old promises and
it will be hard to let go
of what i said to myself
about myself
when i was sixteen and
twentysix and thirtysix
even thirtysix but
i am running into a new year
and i beg what i love and
i leave to forgive me


—Lucille Clifton, 

Good Woman: Poems and A Memoir 1969-1980

Dear Beloveds, 
Every year in January (and many other times of the year) I am called back to these words.
I first came upon this poem before I had a sixteenth year to look back on and I come back to it time and time again.  
This year it feels, even more than usual, that we have left so much of what we love.  And yet we keep running forward, toward a future that we might love even further still.  I hope you all said meaningful goodbyes to the things we have left behind and that you are entering the new year ready to love fiercely and without fear of our inevitable endings.
Happy new year friends,
Rev. Aija
Worship this Month
January Worship

January 3 - 
"Letting Go/Holding On" Join us as we discern what we need to let go of and what we need to hold tight.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Riley Johnson.  

January 10 - "The Miracle of a Haircut"  Samson, Delilah and the power of an outfit.  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Molly Wilkinson.

January 17 "Just A Closer Walk with Thee"  Does faith power your work?  Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Cheryl Parsons.

January 24 - "The Bad News"   Contrary to popular understanding, the Hebrew prophets rarely told of a longed for future. Instead, they warned of the ways our current behavior would damn us. What are our modern prophets telling us now?   Rev. Aija Simpson preaches with worship associate Molly Wilkinson.  

January 31 - "Who Says We Can't Go Home"  Like visiting your hometown for a high school reunion, revisiting old beliefs can be....awkward. Or is the right word comforting?  Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Ben Ramirez.
This n That...
UUCV Book Group
The UUCV Book Discussion group meets via Zoom on the 4th Sunday of each month at 6:30 pm. Dates, titles, and the Zoom link can be found at
Please join us for a lively discussion, newcomers are always welcome!
The selection for January 24th is "Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents" by Isabel Wilkerson. A Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Wilkerson explores the tenets of a caste system and connects them to racialized injustice in the United States. 
Please email Pam at UUCV ( or the Book Discussion coordinator, Riley Johnson ( if you have any questions.


UUCV Grocery Cards for Sale

We are still available for you to purchase grocery card sales for Weis, Karns and Giant...and remember you can use your Giant card for gas also.

Send an email to Pam with your order and the cards will be mailed to your home.  You can pay by sending a check to  UUCV, PO Box 207, Boiling Springs, PA  17007 or you can pay by credit card directly to  Pam...indicate in your email if you want to pay by credit card and Pam will arrange the payment with you. 
Thanks for continuing to support UUCV.



Holiday Staff Schedule

The UUCV staff will be working on a limited basis starting at noon on Thursday, December 24.


Emails will be checked regulary and urgent or timely issues will be handled as soon as possible. 


If you have an urgent pastoral issue, please  call the church at 717/249-8944 and select option 9.  You will be instructed to leave your name and phone number and will receive a return call from Rev. Aija. 


The (remote) office and staff will be back to their regular hours on Monday, January 4.


Christmas Eve at UUCV

It seems like every time we make a plan, the universe intervenes (which wouldn’t be a terrible description of 2020 in general!)  We know that your families are having similar conversations:  How do we continue our celebrations in ways that keep us all safe?  What beloved traditions will have to be modified, or even let go of, this year?


This year, our annual holiday service will be on Zoom at 5:30 pm on December 24th. We will use our regular worship channel for Zoom, here: or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 942 810 6896 We will get a chance to see everyone’s homes with their luminarias shining.  We will have a “no-rehearsal” Christmas pageant, which should be fun, funny and well in the spirit of graceful humor that we have embraced this year.  We will hear some beloved songs and light our candles to Silent Night.  We are asking that everyone bring a candle (your luminaria would work well) and a holiday blessing to share with the community.  What do you hope for our beloveds in the coming year?  Be specific - what is special to you that you would like to offer to our beloved community?  We will have a time of sharing using the chat function while we light our candles and settle into our holy spirit.  Please keep your blessings a chat-appropriate length (aim for 1-2 sentences).  We look forward to gathering and celebrating together.
In Faith,
Rev. Aija
Social Justice at UUCV

January Social Justice Opportunities

Change For The World—January


YWCA Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services of Cumberland County


This program offers a 24-hour Hotline for victims of rape and sexual assault, accompaniment to legal and medical proceedings, individual counseling for victims and their significant others, support groups, advocacy, and prevention/education programs to civic groups and students in Cumberland County schools. Specifically, services provided include: 24-hour toll-free Hotline, Counseling, Medical and Legal Advocacy, Protection from Abuse Orders, Preventative Education Programs, Girlz Camp (week long camp for teens who have been victims of sexual abuse) and the Hero Project (a community based child sexual abuse prevention program to motivate adults to report child sexual abuse.) All Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services are free and confidential.


The Social Justice Committee has decided that our CFTW will be changed each quarter instead of each month allowing offerings to accumulate for three months in order to give recipients larger sums.

Social Justice Meeting and Video Open to All

The next meeting for the UUCV SJC is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.


We are going to watch a 7 minute video from the Equal Justice Initiative about Reconstruction and have a conversation about the video. The wider UUCV Membership is welcome to attend. No preparation is necessary. 


The meeting will start at 6:30, but the video we will watch at 6:45 (after business is done). Persons who want to watch the film and discuss should sign in about 6:40. 

Mitten and Hat Collection 
A big thanks to all who contributed hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, & socks
In December! 
We were able to deliver 3 FULL boxes of warmth to the CARES community along with many personal hygiene items.  
CARES dinner for 40 - 50

We will deliver a  winter warming dinner to CARES on Sunday, Janaury 24, 2021.
CARES is serving a larger number of folks since the weather turned cold.

Contact Pam to sign up for an item.  

For this meal we need the following items.
BEEF STEW  - 5 large pans  & 1 pan of Vegetable Stew
BISCUITS or  ROLLS - 6 or 7 dozen &  2 Lb of Butter
WINTER FRUIT SALAD - 50-60 individual fruit cups
DESSERTS -   7 or 8 dozen Cookies or Cupcakes
DRINKS - 3 gallons of Milk, Hot Chocolate Mix -  4 large cans or boxes,
                   1 large box Tea Bag
Please plan to drop off your items between 3:00 and 3:30 on Sunday,
January 24  at the UUCV Parking Lot.  If you need someone to pick up your item, or if you have any questions, please email Carol Riesmeyer  or call 724/822-6423.  Thank you for your continued contributions and support.
A huge thank you to all who make the effort to contribute food!




Members of our congregation who completed the faith formation program Beloved Conversations:Meditations on Race and Ethnicity have continued to meet regularly to further our own education and understanding of racism and anti-racism and to seek ways of engaging other members of UUCV in this vital work. As Beloved Conversations is a specific program with a specified curriculum we have renamed our efforts UUCV Anti-Racism Initiative and have created a page on our website to offer materials for your independent exploration of these topics. This page can be found at under the “Justice” tab on the home page.


In January and February, in addition to options for independent learning, the Anti-racism Initiative in conjunction with Rev Aija, the Social Justice Committee, and Small Group Ministry, is sponsoring several community wide activities. These include a community read of Imani Perry’s book Breathe: a Letter to My Sons; providing session plans on Privilege and Systemic Racism for Small Group Ministry; and Rev Aija will offer several related worship services. Below you will find a review of Perry’s book prepared by Joan Bechtel, information on how to obtain the book, and information on how to participate in a Small Group Ministry session if you are not a member of an established Small Group.


Joan’s Review of Breathe: A Letter to My Sons


Imani Perry’s book is a beautiful meditation on the hopes and dreams of all American mothers, perhaps of all mothers everywhere. However, it is much more because she is writing to her black sons, Freeman Diallo Perry Rabb and Issa Garner Rabb, who have no choice but to grow up in what she calls the “beast of American culture,” with its “perverse imperative.” American culture requires that young men (and women) be all the same, indistinguishable from each other and, at the same time, to be distinguished in a quantifiable, superlative manner, that is, to be the best, the most. Growing into the teen years means learning to wear the right clothes, to listen to the same music, to fit in, and at the same time pressures young people to excel, to be the best in something or many things. Furthermore, we humans tend to measure our value in the eyes of others, making growing into who we will be, immensely difficult, and even more so for Perry’s black sons whom culture regards as inferior. For her sons growing up and becoming who they will be in this culture is made much more difficult because of the white imagination that views black people as undifferentiated in the mass of inferior blackness. They will always be subject to the white world’s evaluation of them as worthy or unworthy as they struggle to grow in the beast that is American culture. She focuses with tender love and language on insisting they ignore cultures’ stigma and pressures, to dig inside themselves to find who and what they want to become.


Perry admonishes her sons to not let shame eat you up and neither let it be deflected into anger and violence. She urges them to grow into caring, sensitive men, sufficiently confident in themselves that they can respect and support women, those who suffer oppression, and those who do not have education and support that her sons have. She wants them to respect hard work and labor. They are to know and understand the history of blacks in America and of their families in particular, to respect their forebears, and to live into a future in which they will be free and blackness will no longer bind them and all people of color..


The book, full of gorgeous sentences and paragraphs, is an education in understanding the difficulty of growing up black in American culture, as well as an expression of the joys, sorrows, expectations, and limitations of parenting in a culture that emphasizes prominence ,“making it,” and external recognition rather than valuing empathy, respect, caring, and love. To her sons Perry says, “I want to hold you safe. I also want you to fly.”


A Good Deal on the Book!


Breathe: A Letter to My Sons by Imani Perry is published by Beacon Press. Martha Bergsten negotiated a good deal with Jeff Wood at Whistlestop Bookshop in downtown Carlisle. If you mention UUCV, you will receive a 20% discount. So you can support our local bookseller and get a great bargain! The book is also available from other outlets including Amazon and the Bosler Library.


Small Group Session Opportunity


If you are NOT a member of an established Small Group but would like to participate in the Small Group sessions mentioned above, Cheryl Parsons and Wendy Gebb will be facilitating the session on Privilege on Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. We plan to have the session end no later than 8 PM. We are requesting that you register in advance so that we can plan appropriately and have the correct email to send the Zoom link. Please register by January 20, 2021 by emailing Wendy at If you are interested in participating, but this date or time do not work for you, please email Wendy and include dates and times that do work. A time and date for the February session on Systemic Racism will be announced at a later time. To clarify, this would not be making a commitment to being in an ongoing Small Group. It is an opportunity to experience a Small Group session and participate in a UUCV activity.


In the months when we acknowledge the life and work of MLK and the contributions of countless other African Americans, we look forward to sharing this learning journey with you.


Wendy Gebb, a member of UUCV Anti-Racism Initiative

Important UUCV Info
Phishing Email Alert
We've been alerted that some of our members/attendees are receiving emails that appear as if they have come from Rev. Aija asking for money or gift card donations.  DO NOT respond to any emails of this type.   Rev. Aija will never ask for money or any gift contributions over an email.
Please be careful of this scam and any others you may suspect.  If you aren't sure if it's probably isn't.
UUCV Building Open

The SCRT and UUCV Board of Trustees has approved opening the building for maintenance, garden/yard workers and staff who need to enter the building for routine tasks with the following guidelines:


"Nobody goes to the church after dark.  Masks must be worn, unless people are in two separate offices behind closed doors. This policy will be revised as needed as circumstances change over the coming months."


Your staff will still be working remotely, so please continue to contact them by email or by calling 717/249-8944 and leaving a message for the staff member you need to reach by following the prompts.

UUCV Auction News

“What do you mean, another meeting? The auction is over! What more is there to do or talk about?”

    2020 is almost behind us! Things are looking up! 
   With that said, there will be a short Zoom meeting of the Auction Committee at 12:00 on Sunday, January 24, 2021.  Despite my friend’s exclamation, there are a few things we need to discuss concerning the auction as well as the future. I ask committee members to please try and attend as your feedback is valuable. I’m inviting those with the fundraising committee as well, along with anyone interested in joining the auction committee. 
Thanks for you support,
Cathy Dewalt 
Auction Chairperson 



Mozambique Bursary



In November UUCV members and friends received a letter from the Mozambique Bursary Committee asking for support for our 2021 Bursary fundraiser. $350 supports one girl for one year. Donations of any size support Mozambique girls in their dream of a secondary education.


The Mozambique Bursary Committee sincerely thanks those who have already donated to the project for the 2021 school year. The forever gift of an education transforms the lives of girls in rural Mozambique and benefits not only the young women, but their families, communities, and nation. Checks payable to the UUCV Mozambique Bursary Project can be mailed to UUCV. You can also use the web link or QR code that are shared during the weekly worship services. Thank you for your generosity.


Susan Rimby for the Mozambique Bursary Committee



UUCV Announcements
ZOOM Worship

Most of our activities will be held in our main Zoom channel, which is accessible in any of the following ways:

  • point your browser to , OR
  • “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 942 810 6896

If you don’t already have Zoom installed on your computer, clicking any Zoom link will prompt you to begin the installation.  There is no charge to you for the software or its use.

UUCV Fundraising Opportunities
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AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support UUCV every time you shop, at no cost to you.  Select Unitarian Universalist of Cumberland Valley as your charitable organization and everytime you make a purchase Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to UUCV.  Same great producs, same prices as Amazon, but makes money for UUCV.
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