View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
MARCH 2024 Newsletter

From the Board of Trustees

Greetings to all...


Greetings UUCVers.  We have completed 10 cottage meetings and received valuable information from all of them.  One thing that stood out to me was the concern for our future.  Another consistent point at every cottage meeting was the importance of connections developed throughout the community.  People love to mingle during social hour and other activities.

The board will organize the cottage meeting results and develop recommendations based on those results.  We will brief you in a town hall meeting on a date to be scheduled.  If the community approves our recommendations, we will proceed with plans for the minister search process and any other appropriate actions agreed to by the community.  


On March 10th, I will lead the service, "Giving and Receiving-Acts of Love".  This will kick-off our Pledge Drive and Volunteer Drive.  We are linking the Pledge Drive and the Volunteer Drive because, they are equally important to the health of UUCV.  Some of what we learned in the cottage meetings will be integrated into the message of that service.    

Please plan on attending on the 10th.    


Jim, UUCV Board President



Focus on Finances


As we head into March, it is not only time for March Madness, but also time for UUCV’s special brand of madness, our Annual Budget Drive (ABD). The ABD for our fiscal year July 1, 2024-June, 30, 2025 will launch on Sunday March 10 and continue for several weeks. During that time, we will be encouraged to consider what we value about our community and how we are able to support it with our finances, our time, and our talents.


Recently this column, along with the price tags in the Social Hall, has focused on helping us understand the expense side of the budget. This month we’ll take a closer look at the income side of the budget equation. The projected income on the budget for fiscal year 2023/2024 is $310,347.95. Where does it come from?


The categories for income from small, but every dollar counts, sources include building rental, coffee and snack donations, Raise Right purchases, and interest and dividends.


Our main sources of income are:


Offering (bills and checks in - $ 8,500

the basket that aren’t pledges)

The Laws Endowment Fund - $ 18,000

Grocery Card Sales - $ 15,000

Fundraising Activities - $ 21,410

And, most important of all,

Our Pledges - $231,000


It is easy to see that our financial health and well being is dependent on the support that each and every one of us is able to give, according to our circumstances, through making a pledge and participating in fundraising events. Thank you for all the ways you support UUCV.


Wendy Gebb


Worship this Month
The Worship theme for

March 3 – "The Fight for Justice"   Too often, we think of Atheists and Agnostics as devoid of spiritual practices. This isn't exactly true. We all feed our souls in some way, and when striving for justice feeds your soul, activism becomes spiritual practice, and protest a sacrament. Melissa Mattson takes a dive into the Women of Unitarian Universalism and their drive for justice and equality with worship associate Jill Hoffman. 


March 10 – "Giving and Receiving: Acts of Love"  Many of us have experienced pledge and volunteer drives for this community. When I think of UUCV, I see and experience a community filled with support and love for each other and a commitment to our principles. Your support in time and treasure should be thought of as Acts of Love. There are numerous examples we can see every Sunday and throughout the week of these Acts of Love. During Cottage Meetings, UUCVers expressed their very strong concerns about finances and volunteerism. It is time to translate concern into Action. The results of the cottage meetings will be discussed in support of the kick off for the Pledge/Volunteer Drive.  Jim Burton leads the service with worship associate Rev. Chris Kapp.

March 17 - "Ostara"  Join us for a very special all-ages worship services in celebration of Ostara, the spring equinox. The first day of Spring is knocking on our window sill. What wishes would you like the breeze to carry for you? Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associates Candice and Lily Holsinger. 


March 24 "A Holi Joy"  When we let go of inhibitions, of regret, of failures and wrongs committed by and against us, we free our spirits to experience joy unhindered. Join us as we celebrate Holi - a festival of color and joy.  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Primajoy Ramalingam and Music Folks.


March 31 "The Audacious Courage of Resurrection" It's the resurrection that makes the Easter story seem so impossible. What do we need to resurrect in our own lives, and how can we bring ourselves to roll away the stones of fear that hold us back?  Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Susan Lara. 


Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685


Welcome New Members!!
We had 12 adults and 15 children join UUCV at our new members ceremony held on February 25.  WELCOME to our UUCV family!!! 
New members: Colleen Beavers, Jeff Naughton, Elizabeth Smith family, Robert Whitaker, Tara Sollman family, Emily and Mike Cappucci family, Jedd Brenneman, Lisa Balog family, Sam and Janelle Graham family, Staci Kendall family. 
This n That...
UUCV Book Group

March 24 - Searching for Savanna: The Murder of One Native American Woman and the Violence Against the Many by Mona Gable led by Bev Ayers-Nachamkin


"In this engaging and meticulously researched account centered on one horrific crime in North Dakota, Mona Gable explores the failings of the justice system and society behind the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women. An urgently needed look at an epidemic of femicide by an excellent writer." —Nina Burleigh, journalist and author of The Fatal Gift of Beauty: The Trials of Amanda Knox


If you have questions about the book, please contact Bev Ayers-Nachamkin

The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel
Bring Your Thoughts to the Board of Trustees

If anyone has an issue which needs to be addressed, please contact a board member.

 Our Staff should not be used as sounding boards for issues which need resolution by the board.

The Staff can be contacted about questions specific to their duties.  For example: A religious education question should be addressed with Lynn.  Administrative issues should go to Pam. 

Personnel issues, building issues, issues specifically related to committee work should not be addressed to Staff.  

Contact any Board Member to discuss.


Coming Up in March:

Mark your calendars:
  • Adult Religious Education  Sunday, March 3 at 9:00 am in the Board Room
  • Celebration of Life Service for Don Hoffman Sunday, March 3 at 12:00 PM in the Sanctuary followed by visitation and appetizers in the Social Hall
  • OWL (Grades 5-6) Sunday, March 3 at 1:00 in the Yuuth Room 
  • OWL (Grades 5-6) on Sunday, March 10 at 1:00 in the Yuuth Room.  
  • Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, March 15 from 12:00 noon until 5:00 PM in the UUCV Social Hall
  • Adult Religious Education  Sunday, March 17 at 9:00 am in the Board Room
  • OWL (Grades 5-6) Sunday,March 17 at 1:00 in the Yuuth Room  
  • Trauma in the Pews Sunday, March 17 at 7:00 in the Yuuth Room. 
  • OWL (grades 5/6) Sunday, March 24 at 1:00 in the Yuuth Room. 
  • UUCV Book Group Sunday, March 24 at 6:30pm on Zoom 
Grocery cards are the easiest way for UUCV to earn a Profit Purchase Grocery Cards to buy what you need for home, your event, or donate to an organization in our area in need: Project Share, CARES, Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) and so many more. Pam can provide contact information for you to these organizations Let's take this opportunity  to rededicate ourselves to shopping with grocery cards. Remember, 2 grocery cards each per month = $20,000+ for UUCV. 
Cards can be purchased for Giant, Weis and Karns.and used for items such as food, gas and alcoholic beverages.  Stop by the grocery card table for purchases before and after service on Sundays or contact Pam if you would like cards mailed to you.
Let's make this the year we reach our $20,000 goal!
Social Justice at UUCV
March Social Justice Opportunities
Programs under the umbrella of the Social Justice Committee include the monthly CARES dinner, Change for the World (CFTW), the Mozambique Bursary project and the UUCV Antiracism Initiative. Another component this year has been assisting an Afghan family as they transition to America from war-torn Afghanistan. Other events we regularly participate in include Project Share’s Farm Stand, the annual Pride Festival in Harrisburg, National Public Lands Day, and United Way’s One Day of Caring. We anchor our efforts around UUCV’s mission to transform lives and care for the world. Thank you to all who serve on the committee and for outside support we receive from many others in the congregation.
The next Social Justice meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday, March 20 on ZOOM   
All are welcome to join our meetings. 
Change for the World -
1st Quarter  January - March
Bethel AME is the oldest (1867) surviving African American place of worship in Carlisle is located on Pomfret Street, across the street from St Patrick's Shrine Church.
Unfortunately, the congregation is unable to meet in their historic sanctuary, because the building is not up to code. The small congregation is in need of funds to pay for the repairs, and they are still paying of the mortgage!

Currently, they meet once a month in person at the Carlisle United Methodist Church, and on other Sundays they meet on Zoom.  They also have a warm relationship with Second Presbyterian Church. 
Bethel AME host the annual MLK luncheon and participate in the Community MLK Commemoration, Interfaith celebrations and community events.  Their doors are open to all, regardless of ethnic origin.

Hike to recognize Earth Day


Join Kim Stone and the Social Justice Committee on April 27, the Saturday after Earth Day on April 22. We will meet at the church 9:00 am, drive to the parking area of the Appellation Trail on York Road and hike to Boiling Springs Road and back to the church, just about 2 hours. Appropriate for ages 9 and up. More information as we get closer to the date.

UUJUSTICEPA provides us with a challenge to include social justice in our daily lives. Use the link below to find how you can make a difference by calling your senator or representative on issues pertaining to medical debt, improving housing affordability and maintenance, improving funding for public education, and standing up for poor people in our country.
Calling is simple and information is provided to help you with bill numbers and message content. If you don’t know who your legislators are, go to and use the resources tab to “find my legislator by typing in your address. Do it this week! 
On Sunday, March 24, we will deliver a meal large enough to serve about 45-50persons to Community CARES Carlisle.
In 2024 we are only delivering meals every 3 months, so this is the first of four for this year.
The theme is COMFORT HOMEMADE DISHES.   The Homemade dishes can be meatloaf, mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese, vegetables, rolls, & desserts. We will need donations of prepared foods, food to Reheat, grocery cards, or checks to cover needed items. If you can help out with part of this meal, please email Pam & indicate what you can help with.
The following are menu items & quantities we will need. THANKS!
MEAT - 5 Meatloaf dishes (enough to serve 10-12)
SIDES - 5 dishes needed ( enough to serve 10-12) Mashed Potatoes, Mac ,& Cheese, Hashbrown Casserole, Sweet Potatoes, etc.
VEGETABLES - Any Large bags of Frozen Vegetables or Vegetable Casseroles                            4 or 5 needed
ROLLS - 5 Dozen dinner Rolls needed  & 2 lbs of butter.
  DESSERTS - Any kind of PIE (4 or 5),  &  Cupcakes  - 3 dozen needed
BEVERAGES - 2 Gal of Milk, 2 Gal of Iced Tea, Large Can of Coffee, 2 Jars of Creamer
Please leave donations of food in the Church Kitchen, marked CARES, or deliver to the church parking lot on SUNDAY, MARCH 24, between 3:00- 3:30.Thank you to All of you who donate parts of this meal!! 

Learn how easy it is to use RaiseRight to build UUCV's Fund for a Commercial Dishwasher.  There will be a 5 minute presentation before the Spaghetti Dinner to help you learn and/or we can help you set up your account. 


UUCV is partnering with RaiseRight for Gift card fundraising, the #1 fundraiser for nonprofit organizations across the U.S. for more than 25 years.  Earn simply by buying gift cards to use for everyday purchases, instead of cash or credit cards.

With RaiseRight, nonprofits and other community-based organizations earn money simply by shopping for their favorite brands—turning daily or weekly purchases into the opportunities that matter for their favorite organizations. 


How to Get Started:

Visit to Sign Up from your computer or access the QR Code Below.


Set up your banking or credit card preference.


You can then shop anytime by visiting and see the daily bonuses and specials which will earn more money for UUCV.  Check the % for each card to see what your donation will be to UUCV….with a very minimal fee to you. 


How to Pay:

When you are done selecting your cards, check out at your shopping cart.  You can pay by your own Credit Card (getting points on your card) or LINK to your bank account


How you Receive your Cards:

  • You can choose ecards (which will show up in your wallet on your APP or in your wallet on the main website http://www.raiseright/shop
  • You can print a copy of your purchase to act as a gift card when you shop
  • DO NOT select your card to be sent to the Coordinator….any cards sent to the coordinator will be cancelled and your sale will be VOID


Contact Pam if you need help in getting set up or if you have questions about this program.

Religious Education

Greetings all!  


Spring is almost here! But before that happy day gets here, don't forget that we need to "spring forward" at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 10th.    The Spring Equinox will take place in the Northern Hemisphere on Tuesday, March 19 at 11:06 PM EDT. 

At our Multigen service on the 17th, we will help ring in spring with a celebration of the pagan holiday of Ostara.  We will ready ourselves for the arrival of spring with story, song and a joyful ritual of sending our wishes out on the spring breeze.  May this season of renewal bring us all a renewed sense of love, joy and hope for the days ahead.  


Below is our Faith Development schedule for our children and youth for March: 


Sunday, March 3:    Regular RE Classes / Middles & Youth Cottage Meeting

Sunday, March 10:   Regular RE Classes

Sunday, March 17:   Ostara - Worship Service for All Ages:  Join us for this family-focused service for all ages.  There is NO RE today.  Busy bags and activity pages are available on the racks in the Annex.  Nursery care (for ages 0-4) will be available during the service.  

Sunday, March 24:      Regular RE Classes / Last day of OWL (Grades 4-6)

Sunday, March 31:   All-Ages Activity ("Triple A") - Easter Sunday:  After the Time for All Ages the children and youth will head downstairs to the Dining Hall for a group lesson/activity celebrating Easter Sunday with crafts, stories and an Easter Egg Hunt.   RE helpers and snack donations needed!


NURSERY CARE is available every Sunday from 10:15 - 11:45 am for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.


Our Sunday Morning Worship Services being at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary.  On "Regular RE" days, the children and youth go downstairs to their RE classrooms after the Time for All Ages.  Classes end at 11:45 am.


**Please sign out children in Grades 5 and under from their classrooms by 11:45.** This gives parents the opportunity to socialize before pickup, while respecting the Volunteer Teachers' time as well. 



Thank you to all our February volunteers!  Ryanne Mack, Julie Cullings, Susan Green, Susan Rimby, Rebecca Fratantuono, Kim Stone, Wendy Gebb, Primajoy Ramalingam, Gail Black, Laura Soper, John Simcoe, Dirk Wiley, Dianne Dusman, Rev. Chris Kapp and Melissa Mattson. Thank you so much for your time and energy! Members of the Congregation are encouraged to volunteer with the Children's RE Program! Please email Lynn Sodora DLFD at to check in about submitting clearances. 

May we continue to learn and grow together!
In faith and service,Lynn
Adult RE Discussion Group - Winter/Spring 2024

These classes will be held on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:00 am in the Board Room or join via Zoom at (572 887 2212).


March 3: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In this class we will start off by reviewing some of the basic history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by drawing upon Michael Scott-Baumann's recent book--The Shortest History of Israel and Palestine - From Zionism to Intifadas and the Struggle for Peace (prior reading not required). Following that, we’ll have an open discussion on this seemingly intractable, decades-long conflict. Discussion leader: Keith Bittinger


March 17: Sufi Meditation - Gratitude

We will discuss Sufi practices that focus on gratitude and then we will be guided in experiencing some of them. Discussion leader: Brian McPherson


April 7: US History - Heather Cox Richardson (Video + Discussion)

We will watch segments from several interviews with Heather Cox Richardson, Professor of History at Boston College. She has written many award-winning books about American history, American politics, and the history of the Republican Party through the Trump administration. She says that she is fascinated by the contrast between image and reality in America and especially in politics. In her most recent book, Democracy Awakening, Cox Richardson offers an analysis of how America, historically seen as a “beacon of democracy” is now at a crossroads between preserving democracy and choosing autocracy. Cox Richardson writes a daily newsletter, Letters from an American, that provides a recap of important governmental and political events of the day with references to other historical events. Time will be allotted for discussion. Discussion leader: Cheryl Parsons


April 21: Understanding People Better

We will look at a number of different ways to open our minds, improve our listening skills, and increase our empathy. We will also discuss the importance of understanding others in an effort to bridge the divides in our society today. Discussion leader: Jill Hoffmann



May 5: Amend - US Constitution Video Series (Video + Discussion)

We will view then discuss another installment of this informative and highly engaging video series. Discussion leader: Melissa Mattson


May 19: Humanism

One of the six sources of our living tradition is Humanism. In this class we will explore and discuss the history and tenets of Humanism and also consider the historical relationship between Humanism and Unitarian Universalism. Discussion leader: Keith Bittinger.

Sign up for iGive and earn money for UUCV

1900 Stores want to help:

On average 3% Stores pay for it all. Never pay more, and sometimes less with coupons and deals.

From pet rescues to 3rd grade classrooms, and on to fighting some of the most terrible diseases, iGive has been helping ordinary people make their shopping count for more.

Register now and list Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley as your charity 


iGive automatically helps your favorite cause, every time you shop.

They donate an extra $5 bonus to your cause when you make your first

Choose or list your cause & they'll earn money for free!


News from the Mozambique Bursary Committee


There’s a new way to give! If you go to the church’s webpage and click on Stewardship/Donations, you can use paypal and designate that your gift should go to the Mozambique Bursary. You can make a recurring donation, too. 

The Molumbo and Namarroi Bursary girls told Dianne Dusman and Susan Rimby how much they appreciate your gifts. (Here you see the Molumbo girls in their new Bursary T-shirts.)


While many people fund a full scholarship, smaller donations are very helpful. Consider the following:

· $49 buys one girl a year’s worth of hygiene supplies (soap, towels, etc.)

· $42 buys one girl a year’s worth of school supplies (note books, pens, etc.)

· $39.56 buys one girl a school uniform.

· $20.00 buys sheets and a mosquito netting for a new Bursary girl.


If you haven’t done so before, please consider helping with this social justice project.

UUCV Announcements
Board Positions Available!
Did you ever wonder how things REALLY get done at UUCV? Perhaps you would like to serve on the Board of Trustees and get an insider's view!
If you have been a UUCV member for at least two years and have an interest in serving, contact the Nominating Committee, Bev Motich, to talk about the possibilities.
UUCV SoUUper Bowl and Sign-Ups Event
The first ever SoUUper Bowl and Sign-Ups Event was enjoyed by young, old, and everyone in between!
And it was a great success!!  
  • Soup Profit $1,016.00
  • Mini Auction Sign-Ups Profit $1362.00 (with a few events that still have openings)
Look for complete details on Auction Sign-Up events and Sign-Up sheets in the Social Hall.  
April 21 at 12:30 PM $25 - Charades and Champagne Brunch held at the DeWalls House (3 spaces still available)
April 13 at 1:00 PM $15 - Hiking with Optional Forest Bathing Experience at Pine Grove State Park with Cindy Good and Michele Burton (3 spaces still available)
May 25 at 5:00 PM $30 - Jammin' at Rock Hollow with Marlene & Brian McPherson and Susan Vernon.  (9 spaces still available)
June 21 6 - 8PM $10/child or $25/family - Enjoy Date Night with Lynn Sodora and Pam Martin (8 spaces still available)
Thank you to everyone who  contributed to our Souuper Bowl Luncheon and sign up event. It was a success because of the hard work that everyone put into it. You may have helped with planning the event, shopping, cooking, serving, setting up or cleaning up. Maybe you donated cash, a dessert or some other food item. Perhaps you contributed a sign up event or worked on the sign up side of this fundraiser. Whatever you did and however you contributed, THANK YOU!!! You did an awesome job for our UUCV community.
We hope you had a little fun along the way too!
UUCV Fundraising Committee  
And also a THANK YOU to Giant and Weis who both donated grocery cards for us to purchase ingredients. 

Start your spring cleaning and save your throw away treasures for the yard sale which will be held on April 25, 26 and 27.  We will start collecting items April 15.  Please make sure your donations are clean and in working order.  No shoes or clothes will be accepted.   

t next to an image. Replace this text with yours.
UUCV Hospitality Committee NEEDS YOU!
Were you able to join us for our spaghetti social?  How about the soup and sign-ups?
It takes a lot of volunteers to pull these events together and we currently do NOT have an actual committee.
We need to build a committee to host more events like this one and we are looking for volunteers to join.  Here's how it works:
  • NO monthly meetings....only meet when there is an event that needs planned...and most can be done on ZOOM
  • Events would include:
    • Memorial Social Gatherings
    • Pot Luck Events
    • Work with Fundraising Committee on events like the Spaghetti Dinner, Souup Sign-ups, etc.
Come and learn more about joining this FUN event on Sunday, March 17 following worship in the Board Room. 
UUCV Wayside Pulpit 
A big Thank You to the Outreach Committee for providing a much needed make-over to our Wayside Pulpit.  
The plan is to continue to rotate and feature one of our principles periodically.
What Keeps You Coming through our Doors?
If you attended service on Sunday, February 25, you were asked to respond to this question. 
Couldn't attend?  We'd still like to hear from you.   Send your responses to Pam  
Or write them on a card any Sunday and drop in the offering basket or share on Sunday ZOOM in the chat....we want to hear from you!!!


Want to volunteer at UUCV on your own schedule?  We’ve got just the thing!

Currently, we advertise large or higher end priced items that are donated to UUCV on Facebook Marketplace to sell before we put in our yard sale.  We are able to get more off Marketplace and like to start there.

We are looking for someone who would be interested in working on this in conjunction with Pam Martin in the office and Cindy Good who will help with the pick-up of the items.

When an item is donated, it should include some information and history about the item as well as the dimensions.   What we need from a volunteer:

  • Take photos of the items donated (if they haven’t already included pictures)
  • Figure out pricing based on the sellers information or comparing to similar items on marketplace
  • Post on Marketplace (from your own facebook account)
  • Also post onto the Max outside groups allowed (you will need to join the groups)  Right now there are 20 additional groups to join.
  • You will receive Private Messages from interested parties
  • Coordinate pick-up between the buyer and Pam and/or Cindy
  • Monitor the item by renewing the posts and/or marking them sold when picked up

If you are interested, please contact Pam in the office

Sunday Coffee Makers Needed

We need volunteers to make coffee on Sundays.  Please consider signing up…it’s an easy way to volunteer….just come in a little early on Sunday morning and if you are a first timer….Max Lara will show you the ropes. 

The sign-up sheet is on the volunteer table in the Social Hall.

Trauma in the Pews: Deconstructing Toxic Belief Systems and Religious Abuse
The rise of Evangelical Fundamentalism across America over the course of the last 50 years has really brought to light the toxic belief structures and abusive practices of many denominations and religions.
When religious zeal is taken to the extreme, trauma can and does occur, affecting us to the core of our being. Join Rev. Chris on the third Sunday of the month at 7 PM in the Youuth room for a support and study group as we begin to work through the damage done in the name of religion, find our own voices, and discover what we truly believe, along with what we don't -- and embrace the freedom that comes with deconstruction and healing. This course will run for the entirety of 2024. Please let Pam know if you're interested. THIS GROUP IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. If you know someone who could benefit from this type of group, please pass along the information and Rev. Chris's email --
UUCV Book Group Selections for 2024
The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel 

UUCV Book Group 2024 Schedule (with Discussion Leaders)


March 24 - Searching for Savanna: The Murder of One Native American Woman and the Violence Against the Many by Mona Gable (Bev Ayers-Nachamkin)

"In this engaging and meticulously researched account centered on one horrific crime in North Dakota, Mona Gable explores the failings of the justice system and society behind the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women. An urgently needed look at an epidemic of femicide by an excellent writer." —Nina Burleigh, journalist and author of The Fatal Gift of Beauty: The Trials of Amanda Knox


April 28 – The Shortest History of Israel and Palestine - From Zionism to Intifadas and the Struggle for Peace by Michael Scott-Baumann (Keith Bittinger)

Summary: Part of the "Shortest History" book series, this is an accessible, balanced chronicle of how the Israel-Palestine conflict originated and developed over the past century.

Paperback: 288 pages, 10 chapters

Audio Book: 7 hrs 35 mins


May 19 – Counting Lost Stars by Kim Van Alkemade (Bev Motich)

New York Times bestselling author of Orphan #8, Kim van Alkemade returns with a gripping and poignant historical saga in which an unmarried college student who's given up her baby for adoption helps a Dutch Holocaust survivor search for his lost mother. The book alternates between the stories of characters living in two eras -  1960, New York City and 1941, The Hague.


June 23 – Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus (Susan Rimby)

Lessons in Chemistry tells the story of a woman in a non-traditional profession, and all the discrimination she incurs during the late 1950s and early 1960s as she struggles to define her own life.  At the end, there's hope and healing, and the women and their male supporters win the day. If you ever wondered why second-wave feminists were angry in the 1960s and '70s, reading this book will show you why.


July 28 – Oryx and Crate by Margaret Atwood (Bev Ayers-Nachamkin)

Snowman, known as Jimmy before mankind was overwhelmed by a plague, is struggling to survive in a world where he may be the last human, and mourning the loss of his best friend, Crake, and the beautiful and elusive Oryx whom they both loved. In search of answers, Snowman embarks on a journey with the help of the green-eyed Children of Crake through the lush wilderness that was so recently a great city, until powerful corporations took mankind on an uncontrolled genetic engineering ride. Margaret Atwood projects us into a near future that is both all too familiar and beyond our imagining.


August 25 – Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See (Susan Rimby)

Lady Tan's Circle of Women is based on a real historical character in the Ming dynasty, a woman who gains renown as a healer of women.  Over her lifetime, she gains about as much power as a woman in that culture can have.  Along the way, she solves a murder and develops a life-long friendship with a woman of a lower class.


September 22 – The Age of AI - And Our Human Future by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher (Keith Bittinger)

Summary: In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming human society—and what this technology means for us all.

Paperback: 288 pages, 7 chapters

Audio Book: 7 hrs 13 mins


October 27 – Women Talking by Miriam Toews (John Katz)

In an isolated Mennonite colony, women, children, and even infants have  endured rape, assault, and other brutalities with terrifying regularity. The book opens when the women of two families meet to discuss their options--which are rather limited, given how they have been kept illiterate and utterly ignorant of the outside world. This book is at once appalling, fascinating, and thrillingly suspenseful.


November 24 – 2025 reading selections

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